Americore Financial Advisors Reveal How Businesses Miss Out on Millions of Dollars
Ask Americore Financial Advisors Why are businesses missing out on millions of dollars every year. Entrepreneurs are generally a smart group of people. It takes intelligence to come up with a unique idea, develop and market it, and successfully run a business based on it. So how is it that they aren’t taking advantage of programs designed to boost their business success? You may be surprised to learn financial advisors are fighting a wide diversity or reasons businesses lose out on millions of dollars.

Financial Advisors Fight a Lack of Awareness
Though there are many programs designed to benefit small and midsized businesses, the business owners these programs were created for, often don’t know they are eligible to benefit. Others are concerned using the programs will raise red flags on their tax returns. The truth is that our government creates programs to encourage certain types of businesses, and behaviors. Sadly, many businesses and their financial advisors remain largely unaware of the financial opportunities available.
Thought America is seen as a country built on self-sufficiency, all of us can benefit from help now and then. Why not take advantage of programs that will accelerate the growth of your business? Dennis Bays has spent a career familiarizing himself with programs that increase personal wealth or business cash flow, including growth funding. He can walk your team through options that can save money or increase your cash flow. He does this without charging anything up front. If you don’t benefit, neither does he.
Entrepreneurs are Frustrated With Application Process
Sometimes people tell us that they already applied and got denied for a certain program. Those same people tell us “It’s not worth the time and effort only to get turned down anyway.” Since many of the programs are government programs, there are forms and procedures that must be exactly followed. This is where an Americore professional like Dennis Bays can make the difference. Dennis can walk your team through the application process. He know what information is critical to the application decision process. He also knows what information the forms are requesting and how to complete them correctly. Often a denial is really just incorrect or incomplete forms. When Dennis helps with an application, the application package will be complete AND correct. He has years of experience and knowledge in this area, with a great record of Blue Apple, KNA Blue Partner program approval.
Concern Over Program Legitimacy
When we attend events, we repeatedly hear concerns that funding/incentive programs might be illegal scams, or IRS red flags. The opposite is true. There are many programs created by the government, to benefit small to midsize businesses. The federal government created these legitimate programs to encourage behaviors like hiring more employees, or offering health benefits. Federal Workforce Programs and the Employee Retention Tax Credit, subsidize critical desired employer behavior. There are also R&D programs for inventing or improving products and the manufacturing process. Funding and incentive programs are legitimate ways to save on taxes or increase your cash flow. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of a benefit designed just for you?
Assumption of Ineligibility
When times are tight, business owners may not be able to invest in research and development. There is a federal program that can help. Many business owners assumed their business isn’t eligible to receive R&D funding. That assumption is often wrong. Before you slash your budget, let’s start a conversation. A program designed with your situation in mind can take some of your burden off your shoulders. Contact us here or call (747) 224-8110 to speak directly with Dennis Bays and learn how to move your goals within your reach.